how, brain?
How to get started:
You will need to install MATLAB on your computer. If you're at the University of Virginia, then you can follow these links for installation help:
Once MATLAB is installed, you will need to install xolotl. Although xolotl is written in C++, the program is designed to run in the MATLAB environment. To install xolotl, follow these instructions:
Installing xolotl:
Open up Matlab.
​Once open, go to the Apps tab on top.
Open up Get More Apps to get the Add-On Explorer. Search for Xolotl in the upper right search tool. Install the following two apps that are found:​​
​xolotl neuron and network simulator
For Windows machines, also install:
MATLAB Support for MinGW-w64 C/C++/Fortran Compiler (search for MinGW).
Next, download:
If MATLAB, MATLAB Toolboxes, and Compilers have been installed, watch all the pop-ups and wait until the interface for xolotlAPP pops up. This may take several minutes.
To complete the exercises, type runXolotlRun in the command window. This will pop up a graphical user interface (aka GUI) that serves as an interface for each of the five exercises.
If the GUI is too big for your monitor, then copy/paste the following 3 commands into MATLAB's command window and hit enter:
appFigure = findall(0, 'Type', 'Figure', 'Tag', '');
appFigure.Position = [100 100 600 600] ;
The last two numbers in the brackets (i.e., 600 & 600) correspond to the dimensions of the GUI. You can edit those numbers to modify the size of the GUI.​
appFigure.Scrollable = 'on';
Your MATLAB session may trigger many warnings. You can ignore these. If you wish to suppress these warnings, then copy/paste the following command into MATLAB's command window and hit enter:
warning('off', 'all');​
If all else fails, then go here to install.
Follow this link to the exercises.​