how, brain?
How to get started:
You will need to install MATLAB on your computer. If you're at the University of Virginia, then you can follow these links for installation help:
Once MATLAB is installed, you will need to install xolotl. Although xolotl is written in C++, the program is designed to run in the MATLAB environment. To install xolotl, follow these instructions:
Installing xolotl:
Open up Matlab.
Once open, go to the Apps tab on top.
Open up Get More Apps to get the Add-On Explorer. Search for Xolotl in the upper right search tool. Install the following two apps that are found:
xolotl neuron and network simulator
Next, download:
If MATLAB, MATLAB Toolboxes, and Compilers have been installed, watch all the pop-ups and wait until the interface for xolotlAPP pops up.
When you open up MATLAB you should be able to run runXolotlRun.m to complete the exercises.
If all else fails, then go here to install.
Follow this link to the exercises.